taffy-dissect - dissect and count packet types within a pcap file

taffy-cache-info shows the details of a traffic-taffy cache file. When any of the tools are passed a -C flag, a cache file is written to speed future loading of pcap files. Normally this cache file is saved with a .taffy extension.

example usage

taffy-cache-info dns-traffic.pcap
===== dns-traffic.pcap ======
file                 dns-traffic.pcap
    pcap_file        dns-traffic.pcap
    bin_size         1
    dissector_level  10
    pcap_filter      None
    maximum_count    0
    ignore_list      ['Ethernet.IP.TCP.chksum', 'Ethernet.IP.TCP.Padding.load', 'Ethernet.IP.TCP.seq', 'Ethernet.IP.ICMP.seq',
'Ethernet.IPv6.TCP.seq', 'Ethernet.IP.ICMP.chksum', 'Ethernet.IPv6.TCP.chksum', 'Ethernet.IP.TCP.DNS.id', 'Ethernet.IP.ICMP.id',
'Ethernet.IPv6.UDP.chksumEthernet.IPv6.fl', 'Ethernet.IPv6.TCP.ack', 'Ethernet.IPv6.UDP.DNS.id', 'Ethernet.IP.chksum', 'Ethernet.IP.id',
'Ethernet.IP.TCP.ack', 'Ethernet.IP.UDP.DNS.id', 'Ethernet.IP.UDP.chksum', 'Ethernet.IPv6.plen', 'Ethernet.IPv6.TCP.DNS.id']
data info:
    timestamps:      83
    first:           1567838478
    last:            1567838559

Command Line Arguments

taffy-cache-info - CLI interface

Loads the cached data for a file to display the results about it.

taffy-cache-info [-h] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL] cache_file [cache_file ...]

taffy-cache-info positional arguments

  • cache_file - The cache file (or pcap file) to load and display information about (default: None)

taffy-cache-info options

  • -h, --help - show this help message and exit

  • --log-level LOG_LEVEL, --ll LOG_LEVEL - Define the logging verbosity level (debug, info, warning, error, fotal, critical). (default: info)

Example Usage: taffy-cache-info something.taffy